
Streamline processes and save valuable time

Don't waste your time on manually entering data or sending invoices by hand. Leverage my experience and automate your business.

Don't waste your time on manually entering data or sending invoices by hand. Leverage my experience and automate your business.


How can automations help your business?

How can automations help your business?

Invoice analysis

Use ChatGPT for automatic invoice analysis and data entry into systems such as Excel, Notion, or Airtable.

Use ChatGPT for automatic invoice analysis and data entry into systems such as Excel, Notion, or Airtable.

Use ChatGPT for automatic invoice analysis and data entry into systems such as Excel, Notion, or Airtable.

Notifications and reminders

Connect Notion with other systems and create a single command center for your business.

Connect Notion with other systems and create a single command center for your business.

Connect Notion with other systems and create a single command center for your business.

Automatic debt collection

Organize all processes, documents, and files in one place. Build a central knowledge source in Notion and improve communication in your company.

Organize all processes, documents, and files in one place. Build a central knowledge source in Notion and improve communication in your company.

Organize all processes, documents, and files in one place. Build a central knowledge source in Notion and improve communication in your company.

Generating documents

Forget about manually filling out documents - use data from the CRM system to automatically prepare an offer or a contract.

Forget about manually filling out documents - use data from the CRM system to automatically prepare an offer or a contract.

Forget about manually filling out documents - use data from the CRM system to automatically prepare an offer or a contract.

Sending invoices


Process optimization



This is just a small part of the applications that we are able to integrate and connect.

  • MailerLite

  • Notion

  • Calendly

  • Google Forms

  • MailerLite

  • Notion

  • Calendly

  • Google Forms

  • MailerLite

  • Notion

  • Calendly

  • Google Forms

  • Gmail

  • Tally Forms

  • Google Drive

  • Clickup

  • Gmail

  • Tally Forms

  • Google Drive

  • Clickup

  • Gmail

  • Tally Forms

  • Google Drive

  • Clickup

  • Slack

  • Google Sheets

  • Stripe

  • Airtable

  • Slack

  • Google Sheets

  • Stripe

  • Airtable

  • Slack

  • Google Sheets

  • Stripe

  • Airtable

A few words about me

A few words about me

I first came across Notion in 2019. I immediately became a fan of this app. I used it to organize my budget and tasks. Then I started promoting it among friends, and later on social media. Now I work as a Notion consultant.

What do I do?

✔ I build Notion templates
✔ I implement Notion in companies
✔ I run a YouTube channel
✔ I consult and train on using Notion

I first came across Notion in 2019. I immediately became a fan of this application. I used it to organize my household budget and tasks. Then I started

Bartholomew Bednarczyk

Bartholomew Bednarczyk

Notion Consultant

Notion Consultant


Let's talk about automations in your company.

Ready to discuss a potential project? Fill out the form to find out how I can help you realize your vision.

During a brief conversation, we will talk about your company, your needs, and whether automations would work for your organization.




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