Last available dates for Q1 2025

Last available dates for Q1 2025

Last available dates for Q1 2025

Your entire company
in Notion

Your entire company
in Notion

Everything you need to effectively implement Notion in your company.

We will design and implement systems, automate processes, and train your team.

"Ripple's exceptional team created a remarkable and awesome website with professionalism and creativity."

Ava Moreno

NovaTech Solutions

"Ripple's creative team delivered a remarkable & awesome website that surpassed expectations."

Ethan Sawyer

Apex Digital Ventures

"Thanks to collaborating with Bartek, managing my company's data has become much clearer and more organized. All the necessary information is now in one place."

Mirka Chrapkowska

Founder of 'Intratniej'

"Ripple's exceptional team created a remarkable and awesome website with professionalism and creativity."

Ava Moreno

NovaTech Solutions

"Ripple's creative team delivered a remarkable & awesome website that surpassed expectations."

Ethan Sawyer

Apex Digital Ventures

"Thanks to collaborating with Bartek, managing my company's data has become much clearer and more organized. All the necessary information is now in one place."

Mirka Chrapkowska

Founder of 'Intratniej'


What can we do for you?

What can we do for you?

Notion systems and implementations

We create and implement solutions in Notion for companies – from simple project management systems to advanced dashboards that support key business processes.

Training and consultations

We train teams and conduct workshops on the effective use of Notion.


We design and implement automations that streamline processes and eliminate unnecessary work.





Data migration



Verified and simple process

Step 1


Everything starts with a conversation. During a free consultation, we will talk about your business, needs, and challenges.

Step 1


Everything starts with a conversation. During a free consultation, we will talk about your business, needs, and challenges.

Step 1


Everything starts with a conversation. During a free consultation, we will talk about your business, needs, and challenges.

Step 2


Upon accepting the offer, we will start working on your system. The entire project will be ready in 2-3 weeks, and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Step 2


Upon accepting the offer, we will start working on your system. The entire project will be ready in 2-3 weeks, and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Step 2


Upon accepting the offer, we will start working on your system. The entire project will be ready in 2-3 weeks, and we will keep you updated on the progress.

Step 3


The system is not everything. We will train your team so they do not feel lost and know how to use Notion.

Step 3


The system is not everything. We will train your team so they do not feel lost and know how to use Notion.

Step 3


The system is not everything. We will train your team so they do not feel lost and know how to use Notion.

Step 4


After implementing Notion, you’re not alone. We monitor how you operate and improve the system.

Step 4


After implementing Notion, you’re not alone. We monitor how you operate and improve the system.

Step 4


After implementing Notion, you’re not alone. We monitor how you operate and improve the system.

A few words about me

A few words about me

I first came across Notion in 2019. I immediately became a fan of this application. I used it to organize my budget and tasks. Then I started promoting it among friends, and later on social media. Now I work as a Notion consultant.

What do I do?

✔ I build Notion templates
✔ I implement Notion for companies
✔ I run a YouTube channel
✔ I consult and train on how to use Notion

I first came across Notion in 2019. I immediately became a fan of this application. I used it to organize my household budget and tasks. Then I started

Bartłomiej Bednarczyk
Bartłomiej Bednarczyk

Notion Consultant

Notion Consultant

Case study

Here is what others say

Michał Kucharski

Cudotwórnia Events

At first, we described to Bartek what we wanted with a simple question, "Is it possible?" We anticipated that the selected tool (besides Notion, we considered others) would meet our expectations by 80%. We were wrong.

Bartek enchanted Notion so much that he achieved 150% of the standard. With every meeting, Bartek understood better how we operate and came up with ideas for improvements (that we hadn't even dreamed of). 

Michał Kucharski

Co-founder of Cudotwórnia Events

Michał Kucharski

Cudotwórnia Events

At first, we described to Bartek what we wanted with a simple question, "Is it possible?" We anticipated that the selected tool (besides Notion, we considered others) would meet our expectations by 80%. We were wrong.

Bartek enchanted Notion so much that he achieved 150% of the standard. With every meeting, Bartek understood better how we operate and came up with ideas for improvements (that we hadn't even dreamed of). 

Michał Kucharski

Co-founder of Cudotwórnia Events

Michał Kucharski

Cudotwórnia Events

At first, we described to Bartek what we wanted with a simple question, "Is it possible?" We anticipated that the selected tool (besides Notion, we considered others) would meet our expectations by 80%. We were wrong.

Bartek enchanted Notion so much that he achieved 150% of the standard. With every meeting, Bartek understood better how we operate and came up with ideas for improvements (that we hadn't even dreamed of). 

Michał Kucharski

Co-founder of Cudotwórnia Events

Bartek created a knowledge base in Notion for our two teams: the creative and administrative ones. The system is very clear, and my employees are eager to contribute new content to it. Thanks to Bartek, we were able to quickly implement the idea and start using Notion.

Martyna Nasiłkowska

Właścicielka sklepu 'Monasou'

We are very pleased with our cooperation with Bartek. He is an excellent expert who helped us build a tailored structure in Notion for team collaboration. Patience, professional knowledge, and a great approach to the client are exactly what Bartek embodies :)

Robert Jonczyk

COO w 'Wydawnictwo SAM'

Bartek helped me create a system for managing consultations. I finally have control over the processes, finances, and statistics of my business. I have full trust in Bartek - both financially and regarding the security of sensitive data.

Andrzej Kubicki

Terapeuta i Właściciel 'Władca Uczuć'

Bartek stworzył w Notion bazę wiedzy dla naszych dwóch zespołów: kreatywnego i administracyjnego. System jest bardzo przejrzysty, a moi pracownicy chętnie uzupełniają go w nowe treści. Dzięki Bartkowi mogliśmy szybko wdrożyć pomysł i zacząć korzystać z Notion.

Martyna Nasiłkowska

Właścicielka sklepu 'Monasou'

Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ze współpracy z Bartkiem. Jest to świetny ekspert, który pomógł nam zbudować dopasowaną strukturę w Notion do pracy w zespole. Cierpliwość, profesjonalna wiedza i świetnie podejście do klienta to właśnie Bartek :)

Robert Jonczyk

COO w 'Wydawnictwo SAM'

Bartek pomógł mi stworzyć system do zarządzania konsultacjami. Wreszcie mam kontrolę nad procesami, finansami i statystykami mojej działalności. Mam Bartka pełne zaufanie - zarówno finansowe jak i pod kątem bezpieczeństwa wrażliwych danych.

Andrzej Kubicki

Terapeuta i Właściciel 'Władca Uczuć'

Bartek stworzył w Notion bazę wiedzy dla naszych dwóch zespołów: kreatywnego i administracyjnego. System jest bardzo przejrzysty, a moi pracownicy chętnie uzupełniają go w nowe treści. Dzięki Bartkowi mogliśmy szybko wdrożyć pomysł i zacząć korzystać z Notion.

Martyna Nasiłkowska

Właścicielka sklepu 'Monasou'

Bartek pomógł mi stworzyć system do zarządzania konsultacjami. Wreszcie mam kontrolę nad procesami, finansami i statystykami mojej działalności. Mam Bartka pełne zaufanie - zarówno finansowe jak i pod kątem bezpieczeństwa wrażliwych danych.

Andrzej Kubicki

Terapeuta i Właściciel 'Władca Uczuć'

Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ze współpracy z Bartkiem. Jest to świetny ekspert, który pomógł nam zbudować dopasowaną strukturę w Notion do pracy w zespole. Cierpliwość, profesjonalna wiedza i świetnie podejście do klienta to właśnie Bartek :)

Robert Jonczyk

COO w 'Wydawnictwo SAM'


Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer?

How long does building the system take?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

We use a different tool (Asana, ClickUp, etc.). Can you help us migrate the data?

Will you help integrate Notion with other tools?

What languages do you support?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

Is Notion suitable for my business?


Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer?

How long does building the system take?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

We use a different tool (Asana, ClickUp, etc.). Can you help us migrate the data?

Will you help integrate Notion with other tools?

What languages do you support?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

Is Notion suitable for my business?


Frequently Asked Questions

Can't find the answer?

How long does building the system take?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

We use a different tool (Asana, ClickUp, etc.). Can you help us migrate the data?

Will you help integrate Notion with other tools?

What languages do you support?

Do you offer support after the system implementation?

Is Notion suitable for my business?

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NotiPath © 2025

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NotiPath © 2025

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NotiPath © 2025